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Dog Walking

Finding the motivation to get outdoors can be tough, but with your best friend (your pooch!) alongside you, it is much easier!

Your dog will appreciate and benefit from the exercise and fresh air just as much as you, so why not make a New Years resolution to do it together!

Need extra motivation to get out walking with your four legged friend? Check out the physical and mental health benefits of dog walking below:


Physical Health

  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Helps to prevent dementia and falls. 
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Strengthens muscles and bones.
  • Improves overall fitness levels.

Mental Health

  • Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Lowers stress levels.
  • Increases feelings of happiness.
  • Allows you to reconnect with nature, improving your overall well-being.
  • Encourages community relationships, as neighbours meet one-another outdoors. 

But before you start pounding the pavements with your furry friend you need to make sure that both of you are safe. Please keep the following in mind when dog walking: 

  • Stay warm: Just like us, our pets also need to wrap up this time of year. Try using a dog coat to keep them warm.

  • Bring a torch: No one likes walking in the dark. Use a torch to help you navigate a safe route for you and your pet on dark evenings.

  • Use a lead: Always use a dog lead when walking your pet, especially at night. Even dogs who are used to walking without a lead can react differently in the dark of night. 

  • Stay visible: Remember oncoming cars will not be able to see you or your dog, so make sure you are both wearing hi-vis or reflective jackets.

Petworld Pro Tip: Add a 30 minute dog walk to your daily routine. Even if you forget or feel unmotivated, you can be sure that your furry friend will get you up and moving!

If you want any information on introducing your pet to exercise, just call into your local Petworld Store where our helpful and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help.